Gladden, Lynn

Lynn Gladden graduated in Chemical Physics from the University of Bristol, UK, before studying for her PhD in the Structure of Inorganic Glasses at the University of Cambridge. She then took a [...]

Pielak, Gary

Gary earned a B.A. in Chemistry from Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Washington State University in Pullman, Washington. He was a postdoctoral fellow in [...]

van Doorslaer, Sabine

Personal Data: ORCID ID: URL for website:   Throughout my career, I have been working at the [...]

Wang, Tuo

Tuo Wang received his Ph.D. degree in 2016 from MIT under the supervision of Prof. Mei Hong, and continued in Dr. Hong’s lab for postdoctoral training. His Ph.D. and postdoc work was [...]

Telkki, Ville-Veikko

Prof. Ville-Veikko Telkki is the head of the NMR Research Unit at the University of Oulu (UO). He received a PhD degree in physics at UO in 2006 about 129Xe NMR of porous materials. His postdoc [...]

Konrat, Robert

Robert Konrat is Full Professor for Structural Biology at the University of Vienna, Austria. He studied Chemistry in Graz, Austria, and graduated in 1989 under the guidance of Prof. H. Sterk. [...]

Kay, Lewis

Academic Degrees 1988    PhD in Molecular Biophysics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Supervisor:  Dr. J.H. Prestegard; Thesis: “NMR Methods for Studying Motional and Structural [...]

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