Call for abstracts

Important dates – EXTENDED!

Abstract deadline for oral presentation 16th April 2024
Notification of acceptance for oral presentations only From 30th April 2024
Presenter registration deadline 17th May 2024
Poster submission deadline 1st June 2024

**Please note that if you submit an abstract from 17nd April, it will only be considered as a poster**

Guidelines for the submission of abstracts

Authors wishing to present an oral presentation or poster are invited to submit an abstract of a maximum of 300 words (not including title and author names and affiliations).

The required format of the abstract is: Introduction – Aims – Methods – Results – Conclusions. If these headings are unsuitable for your submission, you are invited to amend these as necessary.

All submissions must be made in English.

Abstracts are not edited by the organisers and author corrections will not be accepted after the abstract deadline date. Abstracts should be checked carefully for accuracy prior to submission.

The body of the abstract may be a maximum of 300 words.

The abstract should be as informative as possible and should include an explanation as to why the paper meets the conference theme.

The biography of the presenting author is required.

Abstracts will be blind reviewed.

Flash talks (PhD students only)

Flash talks (5 min each) will be selected from PhD students with accepted poster abstracts, who indicate that they would also like to present a 5-minute Flash Talk.

If you would like to be considered for a Flash Talk you will be able to indicate this during the submission process