Gschwind, Ruth


    1989 – 1994                Study of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich

    1994 – 1998                Ph. D. student of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich


    Scientific degrees

    09/1994         M.S. (diploma), summa cum laude

    01/1998         Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat), summa cum laude

    01/2002              Habilitation (organic chemistry), venia legendi, Philipps University Marburg



    10/1994 – 01/1998     Ph.D. student of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich

    12/1997  – 01/2002     Habilitation and head of NMR department, University of Marburg

    06/1999 & 05/2000      Visiting professor at INSA/IRCOF University of Rouen, France

    02/2002 – 08/2002      Associate professor and Head of NMR department at the Philipps University of Marburg

    09/2002 – 03/2005      Professor (C3) at the Rheinischen Friedichs-Wilhelms-University Bonn

    04/2005 – present       Professor (C3) for organic chemistry at the University of Regensburg



    Functions and memberships

    2021                            Spokesperson of the RTG 2620

    2021                            Member of the advisory board of the Center for the Promotion of Young Scientists at the University of Regensburg

    2011 – present            Member of the technical committee on kinetics and reaction mechanisms of the DECHEMA

    2015 – present            Chairman of the Regensburger NMR Center

    2017 – present            GDCh selection committee for August-Wilhelm-von Hofmann medal

    2011 – 2015                Associate director of the Center for Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biomedicine at Regensburg

    2008 – 2011                Board member Liebig Vereinigung (Section Org. Chemistry GDCh)

    2008 – 2012                Mentor in the Mentor network of the University of Regensburg

    2005 – 2006                Chairman GDCh section Regensburg



    Scholarships and awards

    2013                            ERC Consolidator Grant “IonPairs@Catalysis”

    2008                            Thieme Chemistry Journal Award

    06/1999 & 05/2000     Visiting Professor at INSA/IRCOF University of Rouen, France

    1989 – 1994                Scholarship holder of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation


    Research activities

    NMR spectroscopy, structure elucidation of catalyst complexes, detection of reaction intermediates and hydrogen bonds, elucidation of reaction mechanisms, organocatalysis, photocatalysis, inorganic, organometallic and bioorganic systems.