Shimon Vega Travel Award

Shimon Vega Travel Award 2024 to Marthe Miller for her contribution combining time-domain chirped DNP with electron decoupling under MAS conditions to achieve significant signal enhanced through precise control of electron spin dynamics.

About the Shimon Vega Travel Award


The Shimon Vega Travel Award was established by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel in memory of Prof. S. Vega, who for many decades was an active lecturer and participant at the EUROMAR. The travel award consists of $1,000 and will be given to a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow researching in the fields of solid state NMR and/or DNP.  The applicant must attend the EUROMAR conference to accept the award and make an either oral or poster presentation of the lauded work.

Past Recipients

2023 ENC: Tamar Wolf (Weizmann Institute of Science)
2023 EUROMAR: Bogdan Rodin (ENS Paris and Novosibirsk State University)